Rotation Methods

FactorRotations.jl implements multiple orthogonal and oblique rotation methods.

Let us consider the p-by-k factor loadings matrix L for p variables and k factors. Most of the rotation methods aim to find the full-rank k-by-k rotation matrix U, so that the rotated loadings matrix Λ = L × U optimizes the given criterion function Q(Λ).

Orthogonal methods

Orthogonal criteria restrict the rotation matrix U to be orthogonal.

Biquartimaxequivalent to Oblimin(gamma = 0.5, orthogonal = true)
BiquartiminJennrich and Bentler (2011)
ComponentLossJennrich (2004), Jennrich (2006)
CrawfordFergusonCrawford and Ferguson (1970)
EquamaxCrawford and Ferguson (1970)equivalent to Oblimin(gamma = k/2, orthogonal = true)
InfomaxBrowne (2001)based on the unpublished manuscript McKeon (1968)
LinearRightConstantJennrich (2004)
MinimumEntropyRatioMcCammon (1966)
MinimumEntropyJennrich (2004)
ParsimaxCrawford and Ferguson (1970)equivalent to Oblimin(gamma = p*(k-1)/(p+k-2), orthogonal = true)
PatternSimplicityBentler (1977)
QuartimaxNeuhaus and Wrigley (1954)equivalent to Oblimin(gamma = 0, orthogonal = true)
TandemCriteriaComrey (1967)
TandemCriterionIIComrey (1967)second step of TandemCriteria
TandemCriterionIComrey (1967)first step of TandemCriteria
VarimaxKaiser (1958)equivalent to Oblimin(gamma = 1, orthogonal = true)

Oblique methods

Oblique criteria allow the rotation matrix U to be an arbitrary full-rank k-by-k matrix.

AbsolminJennrich (2006)
BiquartiminJennrich and Bentler (2011)
ComponentLossJennrich (2004), Jennrich (2006)
ConcaveJennrich (2006)
CrawfordFergusonCrawford and Ferguson (1970)
InfomaxBrowne (2001)based on the unpublished manuscript McKeon (1968)
PatternSimplicityBentler (1977)


  • Bentler, P. (1977). Factor simplicity index and transformations. Psychometrika 42, 277–295.
  • Browne, M. W. (2001). An overview of analytic rotation in exploratory factor analysis. Multivariate behavioral research 36, 111–150.
  • Comrey, A. L. (1967). Tandem criteria for analytic rotation in factor analysis. Psychometrika 32, 143–154.
  • Crawford, C. B. and Ferguson, G. A. (1970). A general rotation criterion and its use in orthogonal rotation. Psychometrika 35, 321–332.
  • Jennrich, R. I. (2004). Rotation to simple loadings using component loss functions: The orthogonal case. Psychometrika 69, 257–273.
  • Jennrich, R. I. (2006). Rotation to simple loadings using component loss functions: The oblique case. Psychometrika 71, 173–191.
  • Jennrich, R. I. and Bentler, P. M. (2011). Exploratory bi-factor analysis. Psychometrika 76, 537–549.
  • Kaiser, H. F. (1958). The varimax criterion for analytic rotation in factor analysis. Psychometrika 23, 187–200.
  • McCammon, R. B. (1966). Principal component analysis and its application in large-scale correlation studies. The Journal of Geology 74, 721–733.
  • Neuhaus, J. O. and Wrigley, C. (1954). The quartimax method: An analytic approach to orthogonal simple structure. British Journal of Statistical Psychology 7, 81–91.